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2001 Photos of Phriends:

Blarpy Ohmbalegas and Ohmbalega Blarps!
2001 was such a phun year. It was the good, the plaid, and the snuggly.

This is how I began 2001.

Chillin' with two of my homegirls, goddesses Betsy and Renee. We did the New Year's Eve show with Ekoostik Hookah in Ohio. It was so phat!

Missy and Brian rock!.
These are two beautiful creatures.
These two are fun.
Julie and Bill are a great pair. Even though they had the flu one time, they still drove us to a MOE. show 3 hours away. Way cool.
A late night Bob snack.
Goddess Tina demos her way of getting rid of unwanted facial hair.
Johnny and Lukas Band
Here's a shot of J&L performing in a spring fund raiser for the student group I was involved in, Students for a Free Tibet.
Got the rhythm goin'.
Here's Chuck and Brian laying down some phat drum action at the Student's for a Free Tibet spring fund raiser.
Adam gettin' a little funky upstairs at The Pub.
The Peace Pimp.
B.J. is shakin' his groove around.
Da Muk.
Here he is once again displaying his 150+ IQ Level.
The Patriot.
Brad and I were really bored one day when we shared a house in Colorado. After a bunch of Wild Turkey 101, we had this great idea.
Frop, Folks, Fun.
The Chicken-Horse races are in full swing... and everyone wins.
The Doctor is in.
If you ever see this cool guy out and around, buy him a Dark and Tan, and he may tell you an interesting tale or two.
Brother undercover.
Sorry folks, the Freedom of Information Act does not apply here.
Goddess Angie
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Toosie Pop? 1... 2... 3... 3. I love this shot of her. Blarp.

you may view all the photos on the Blarpalega website.
Note: This is the only way to view some photos.


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