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Funky Links to Cool Shizzat:

Here one may find phat sick links to downloadable MP3 music, the enlightened bands that create the tunes, and concert schedules, so you are able to go check out some music to set your soul free. Also, one may expand their spirit creature beyond all known comprehension by viewing the links to some of the illuminated, strange, and interesting things, from all points of the known galaxy and beyond!

Regularly return to this site and see the updates to the links found here, as doing this may help you place a little more funky space in your lovely face.

The Super Phat Music, Film, and Book Links
Free MP3 Download Lists. Expand your horizons! Here is a smorgasbord of Bands and Musical Artists highly recommended by the crew at Walther Productions. Never heard of them? From masters of percussion, jazz, r&b, reggae, electric pop, and from bluegrass to blues, take some time to check these bands' sites out. You will soon discover there's MUCH more to music than what the radio plays.

Bands You Need to Check Out. Links to various music websites. Downloadable Music, Concert Dates and Ticket Prices, and much more!

Movies You Need to Check Out! If you don't know some of the movies on this list... find a copy, and watch them. The metaphors used in these films define us and our modern pop culture.

Books You Need to Check Out. Comming Soon.

Interesting Stuff from all over the cosmos.
The Principia Discordia THE PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA or, How I Found the Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her! THE MAGNUM OPIATE OF MALACLYPSE THE YOUNGER Wherein Is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything. A jug of wine, a leg of lamb, and thou! Beside me, whistling in the darkness. Be Ye Not Lost Among Precepts of Order... - The Book of Uterus 1;5

The Church of the Subgenius ARE WE CONTROLLED BY SECRET FORCES? ARE ALIEN SPACE MONSTERS BRINGING A STARTLING NEW WORLD? DO PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE STRANGE? DO YOU?? ...THEN YOU MAY BE ON THE RIGHT TRACK! "You'd PAY to know what you REALLY think." -A quote by J.R.'Bob'Dobbs 1961. "Unpredictables" are not alone and possess amazing hidden powers of their own! Health or well being of User's "soul" is not guaranteed until User has purchased a Church of the SubGenius Ministerial Membership.

Team Banzai: BLUE BLAZE ALERT! All Blue Blaze Irregulars should be on the lookout for former employees of Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, and any Red Lectroid operatives remaining on Earth. Several of these individuals are believed to be still at large, and should be considered extremely dangerous. Any Blue Blaze Irregulars with any knowledge of these individuals are asked to contact the appropriate law enforcement officials or the Nova Police immediately. This site was inspired by the movie - The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension.

Selected Quotes from Robert A. Heinlein's - A Stranger in a Strange Land. "Could it be that everyone of all religions are true?" "Huh? How could that be? Mike, if one is true the others are wrong." "So? Point to the shortest direction around the universe. It doesn't matter where you point, it's the shortest...and you're pointing back at yourself." "Well, what does that prove? You taught me the true answer, Mike. Thou art God." "And thou art God, my lovely. But that prime fact which doesn't on faith may mean that all faiths are true."

Deep Thought - 42 Swimmin' with Forty-Two thankful fish eating dolphins on my Blue-Green planet thinking my digital watch is pretty neat and wondering what is a Hyperspatial Express Route, anyway? LIFE Is .... Paradoxically Coincidental To The Ironical Tyrrany Applicable To The Unparalleled Definition Of Reverse Entropy. This web page has been established as the Home for DEEP Thought and provides a list of all of the current calculations that DEEP Thought has accomplished throughout its lifetime and sightings of the final Answer throughout our world.

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse Published in 1922, Siddhartha is the most famous and influential novel by Nobel prize-winning (1946) German author Hermann Hesse. Though set in India, the concerns of Siddhartha are universal, expressing Hesse's general interest in the conflict between mind, body, and spirit. While people have contemplated this conflict since time immemorial, it took on a special urgency for Hesse. Psychoanalysis had exploded onto the European intellectual scene in the first decades of the 20th century, and its investigations into the fundamental well-springs of human behavior revolutionized the our self-conceptions; the sovereignty of reason was crumbling as the Id emerged supreme. As a result, a new understanding of the whole human animal had to be worked out. Also, political conflicts in the second decade let to a war in which technological inventions, monuments to human reason and ingenuity, were used to slaughter people in terrible ways. This also called for a reexamination of the relationship between the various aspects of ourselves. These two events, the emergence of psychoanalysis and World War I, then, set the intellectual and moral context in which Siddhartha was written.

The Onion International News that is not available in newspapers, radio, or television! You are guaranteed not to see these stories anywhere else! :)

Play Free Arcade Games On-Line Play cool, completely free, games on the internet through your web browser. Just don't let your boss catch you playing at work. He he he.


Site created by Rudy's Slack Productions 2002. All rights reserved.